My Journey on the Path of Truth

My Experiments with Truth

Pursuit of Happiness

(Step - 2 of 3)
-by Wipassi


This blog post is part 2 of 3 part series on pursuit of happiness.




We all want to be happy and we seek for happiness in life, yet the happiness sometimes seems distant. We might think our happiness lies in outside objects but on the contrary true happiness is something that is within us. In the last post we saw the first step to achieve this true happiness is to live a virtuous life, a moral living.


Now the dilemma arises, to live a good moral living, one needs to have a strong mind. One with good determination and strong will power we will be able to live a virtuous living. We must have experienced in our lives that, if our actions were unwholesome our mind is agitated and disturbed. This agitated and disturbed mind lacks strength and discipline.


Here we see moral living and having a strong mind are inter related to one another. Virtuous disciplined living is dependent on having a strong determined mind, and having a strong determined mind is very much dependent and also gets its strength from virtuous moral living. So this is a dilemma, should we be a master of our mind first or should we live a moral life first.


Why Mastery of our own mind?


Mastery of our own mind means we are able to do things that are conducive and beneficial to us, rather than merely reacting to the stimulus. It's having control, being in a driving seat of yourself than being dragged around by our impulses. 


For example, let's assume you have an exam or a deadline in two days, and instead of focusing on your tasks, why are you wasting your time scrolling your cell phone screen? You are very well aware the wise thing to do is to focus, however why do you feel the impulse to make yourself distracted by outer stimulus?


What about addiction? May it be addiction to drugs, alcohol, gambling, porn or just work, these can be termed as unhealthy obsession, one who is addict very well knows these are bad for them. Then why do you think an addict cannot overcome their addiction?


Wild and undisciplined mind is dangerous to self and others, while disciplined and controlled mind is beneficial to self and others around us.


Benefits of Mastery of Mind


The joy of being independent surpasses thousand times the pleasure consumed being under a bondage of an unruly mind. One who has achieved mastery over their mind is a confident person, they can achieve things they put their mind into. 


Look into the life of someone you admire, any leader(s) in their field(s). They all have one trait, that is “they have learned how to achieve mastery of their mind.” 


Having a mastery of your mind is good. However it doesn’t guarantee that any action you take will be pious. The evil genius does evil action with a focused mind. They might have achieved mastery, however they might be using it for an unwholesome action. 


We should strive for this mastery and also do good deeds. So how to have mastery of mind and yet be doing good for self and others?


4 Steps to strengthen your mind to do a good deeds


1. Multiply the Good


Examine your mind, write down the good qualities and habits that you have. Are you generous? Are you kind? When you recognize the good in you, you multiply them. Keep repeating these actions again and again so these qualities multiply within you.


2. Invite the Good 


For example when you examine yourself and you notice you lack something, for example being generous. Then invite the good in you, start being generous, see how generous people give. Follow their examples, this way you’ll invite the Good habits in you.


3. Remove the Bad 


Now you see you have jealousy in you, you should remove it. Remove them by generating sympathetic joy, and be happy for others. It may be a slow process, however start with small steps, any steps that you take in this path for improvement will bring the fruitful result.


4. Stop the Bad from entering


So you noticed, you don’t have any anger in you. So stop them from entering you. You keep generating compassion and kindness for others and don’t let the anger creep in your mind.


How to achieve this mastery?


This technique that I’ve learned and have been practicing for last few years has brought tremendous change in me. I’ve become a better person than what I was, it’s a progressive path hence improvement is ongoing.


You may want to do this for 10 minutes every morning and evening.


  1. Goto a place where you can be alone and undisturbed for 10 minutes.
  2. Switch Off any distractions.
  3. Sit in a comfortable posture, you can sit on a floor, chair or a bed, it can be anywhere.
  4. Gently close your eyes.
  5. BE AWARE OF YOUR INCOMING AND OUTGOING BREATH. (Simple Natural Breath, just breathe nothing else)


Your task is just be aware of your natural breath, your thoughts might be there, your mind might wander and self talk. However, do your best to be aware of your incoming and outgoing breath only. Avoid trying to STOP or CONTROL your thoughts, stop fighting it, let it be there, you be just aware of your natural breath.


Keep doing it for sometime and you’ll notice how your mind and body interact.


For me, being able to have peace and harmony within, having love and compassion for everyone, to smile and have balance of mind even at times of difficulties is true happiness. 


May you all be peaceful, happy and free!


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